
The Perils of Populism

This first appeared as the “WorldWatch” column in the January-February 2016 Forerunner. Populism, a political philosophy that appeals to and claims to represent the interests and notions of the average person, has enjoyed a long history in the United States. It can be argued that populist fears fueled the American Revolution, …

Would Jesus Approve of Same-Sex Marriage?

In an interview on Tuesday, July 7, 2015, former President Jimmy Carter waded into the current American cultural and political debate on homosexuality. For a devout Baptist and a self-proclaimed “born-again Christian,” the 90-year old Carter made an astounding statement when HuffPost Live host Mark Lamont Hill asked him whether …

A Swift End

Here is a CGG Weekly essay of mine that was published just today. New stuff! How novel! This world is a horrible place. The planet on which we live along with more than seven billion other human begins is an evil, scary, terrible place. The facts are clear and obvious.